30 days to go until COP 27

The 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will happen next month from the 6th to the 18th November 2022. 

It is the 30th anniversary of the UNFCCC. In their press release on May 9th, they talked about how science tells us we are on track not to meet, but to more than double, the goal of limiting global temperature rise by 1.5°C. 

The overarching theme for this conference is that we must act now. The hashtag for the event is #TogetherForImplementation

I deeply believe that COP27 is an opportunity to showcase unity against an existential threat that we can only overcome through concerted action and effective implementation.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi

His presidential vision for this conference is to “move from negotiations and planning to implementation. Now is the time for action on the ground.” There are four goals for the conference; Mitigation, Adaptation, Finance and Collaboration.

Where will COP 27 be held?

COP27 will be held in the Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center (SHICC) on Um Marikha Bay. 

The city is surrounded by nature and there are three protected areas that the UNDP recommends delegates visit: The Ras Mohamed Nature Reserve with a mangrove forest and coral reefs, Nabq Protected Area one of the world’s most northerly mangrove forests and a nearby desert zone, and Abu Galum Protectorate, for diving and snorkeling with the famous ‘blue hole’. 

The conference is divided into the Blue Zone for the official state delegates and the Green Zone where businesses, social and academic communities can attend events. The Green Zone has been designed for ‘interconnectedness with nature’ and is shaped to reflect nature, looking like a lotus flower from the air. The exhibition areas have been sustainably constructed. 

How to attend COP 27

The deadline for a green zone exhibit has passed. You can still apply to attend on the UNFCCC website if you are a party or state, UN organization, specialist agency, IGO, NGO, or a member of the press. You’ll need a visa, which is free for delegates with a confirmation from the UNFCCC. 

COP 27 theme days

The conference has been divided into themes which will run each day with a rest day on the 13th November. The themes are:

  • World Leaders Summit (WLS) 7th & 8th
  • Finance 9th
  • Science 10th
  • Youth & Future Generations 10th
  • Decarbonization 11th
  • Adaptation 12th
  • Agriculture and Food Systems 12th
  • Gender 14th
  • Water 14th
  • ACE & Civil Society 15th
  • Energy 15th
  • Biodiversity 16th
  • Solutions 17th

Each of these themes is further detailed and a full guide to the events for each day can be downloaded off the COP27 website. 

Why does COP27 matter?

The UNFCCC has released a promotional video for COP27 that highlights why the conference matters.

If we continue to increase the temperature of our world through our actions, we will face natural disasters of increasing magnitude: wildfires, floods, extreme heat, melting ice, etc. Dealing with these natural disasters costs money. The longer we leave it, the higher the cost will be.

Annette Clubley

Annette is a keen wildlife conservationist, mindful of sustainability and our impact on the environment. Outside of work, family is her focus and she loves teaching the next generation to enjoy the outdoors.