To get the ball rolling while we wait for the website to complete it’s test phase and launch, I thought I would share a bit of personal history.
My strongest memory of growing up in the 60s and 70s, apart from being incredibly naughty and keeping tadpoles, was my parents’ passion for our local community and running all sorts of things from a cafe in the local hospital to holiday camps for kids. Life was busy, social and entertaining as everyone hunkered down and got on with making things better.
Maybe it was still down to the post-war spirit in those days, but I feel a surge of the same kind of energy in people today as new initiatives and enterprises burst into life.
The wheels of change are turning as more of us grow, make, restore, mend, invent and design things fit for a forward looking, resourceful and creative society.The Blue Patch team will be on a journey around the country – by bike and train of course – discovering people, stories and harvesting the great things our enterprising country is getting up to, we hope you will join us.