Finlay Taylor

Artist and publisher

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London, England

Finlay Taylor uses print; intaglio and direct raw woodcuts, alongside objects and text, photography, book art and moving image works. Exploring the complex connections between humans and nature, Taylor's work suggests empathy and longing, scientific 'objectivity', the politics of space and ecological destruction. In one print, thick branches mesh with bat-like forms which may be tents or highlight specific areas of activity. In another, colourful 'snail stacks' are abandoned homes, the colours both allure and warn. Taylor's work suggests the interdependence of human, animal, insect and plant; species entangled and yet displaced as the world turns and the stars watch.


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Question of nature

Rated 5.0 out of 5
18 March 2023

Finlay Taylor’s work is astute, it sets you thinking!


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