Our membership criteria
- Your business is based in the UK or Ireland
- You are committed to improving your sustainability
- If part of your manufacturing is overseas, you work with your overseas partner in an ethical and positive way
- Your business is of high quality and professionally presented
Membership terms
In joining Blue Patch, Members are:
- Joining a community of sustainable businesses, to showcase their environmental and social impact
- Support Blue Patch’s 100% for the Planet mission.
- Embarking on a journey to improve their Environmental and Social Impact. This may include participating in Blue Patch’s Let’s Do Net Zero training programme and/or using other resources available through the Members’ Hub and the Blue Patch Community.
Blue Patch recognises that all of its members are unique and that pathways towards greater sustainability will vary depending upon the type of business, its resources and progress to date.
Blue Patch is not an accreditation.
Blue Patch’s 100% for the Planet logo
Once a member you can use the Blue Patch’s 100% for the Planet logo.
Commission on sales
No commission is taken on sales made through leads from our directory or marketing initiatives
We are a business directory, not an online shop
What opportunities does Blue Patch offer?
Check out our retail partnerships. Opportunities are shared on the Member’s Hub and via the members’ newsletter.
Positive Shopping
Positive Shopping is delivered free to selected venues. With a mixture of stories, interviews and a catalogue of members products Positive Shopping compliments our national campaign The Power of Positive Shopping. Contact team Blue Patch at joinus@bluepatch.org +44 (0)207 738 7267
The programme is free for members and available on the Members’ Hub.
Blue Patch Patrons
A Patron can be business or an individual, please contact Margy Newens +44(0)207 738 7267 joinus@bluepatch.org
Ex member rejoining process
If your membership has lapsed, you will have to rejoin as a new member.
Your business doesn’t meet the criteria
We’ll refund 75% of your membership fee to cover our administration.
What kind of a business is Blue Patch?
Blue Patch is a social enterprise limited by guarantee. Read more about our ethos here. Blue Patch is converting to a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). Once conversion is completed Blue Patch will be registered with the Charity Commission.
Who founded Blue Patch?
Jane Langley founded Blue Patch in 2014. Co-founders Emma Kirby and Matt Beale-Collins. Many dedicated people and team members continue to contribute. Guiding principles
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