The language of love

Does you remember hearing about the 5 languages of love?

It was something I heard about in university, that people understand love in 5 primary ways. That the way one person expresses love may not be how the other understands it.

You may do something that you consider to be tiny for your significant other and it may turn out to be HUGE for them and make their whole day.

Since Valentine’s Day is one of those days to celebrate and express love, here are 5 ways to express love in keeping with your significant other’s understanding of love.

Of course, you may first figure out what your love language is. Put some into thought into it, or take a simple (and free) online test. After all, there’s a test for everything these days.


1. Words of Affirmation.

Use your words.

If you’re the kind who is verbally expressive, tell them how you feel. If you’re shy, write them a letter. If you’re a wordsmith, come up with a poem and if you can sing, perhaps a song.

Compliment them, and tell them what they mean to you.

Bespoke British Pen, Conway Stewart Series 100 range, £385


2. Quality Time

This takes giving someone your undivided attention. Not just watching TV together or hovering in each other’s space, but actually making the time to connect and strengthen your bond.

To talk, catch up and really soak up each others presence.

A getaway can be a really great way to do this. Get away from the cares of your space and escape to a city, or into to the wilds.


If you’re running short on time, then an afternoon away might be the thing. Go out and explore. Discover the world. Picnic if the weather is nice? Don’t mind if I do.

3. Acts of Service

There is a certain pleasure to be received by doing something for someone you love. To some, it means much more when someone does something kind for them.

It could be as simple as running an errand for them, or fixing something that they’ve been meaning to fix.

Denby Pottery, Natural Canvas Set, £90.00.


Or you could cook a meal for them. Breakfast? Lunch? Tea? Glass of something-something with dessert?

Yes please!

4. Physical Touch

Hugs and kisses are probably always welcome, but today is a great day for extra hugs and kisses.

Make the environment romantic with candles, flowers and music.  Draw up a hot bath. Offer them a massage. Evoke all the senses.

Bloomtown, Eco Luxury Pampering Gift Set, £29.70


5. Gifts

Sometimes, people like a tangible expression of love.

Something that reminds them of their significant other when they wear it or see it. Something that lasts longer than a meal, and shows them that their significant other has taken notice of their taste in things. It doesn’t have to be expensive or exotic.

If you like to mark the occasion with a gift, we’ve got a great selection of beautiful products made by small businesses around the British Isles – you’re sure to find something for every taste.

Gifts don’t have to be physical. Experiences are giftable too. Mosaic making, shoe making, chair making…

Then there is this list of gifts that do good by giving back a little to the world. Like these ones.


Pukka Tea, Love Tea, £1.99


Wherever you are, whatever you do, we hope that your Valentine’s Day is filled with love!

What do you have planned for Valentine’s Day? Let us know in a tweet!

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Preeti is the Marketing Manager at Blue Patch. Born and raised in India, she spent some time in the US, completing a degree in Psychology and Biology, after which she moved to the UK in 2010 to study an MSc in Finance and Management. She can often be found obsessing over her plants, trying to clamp down on an ever-increasing collection of nail polish or exploring and taking photos of random corners of London. Her love language is quality time.