Blue Patch is on the move. We’re transferring the entire site, lock stock and barrel because we were unsatisfied with the time it took to load. Please bear with us until the end of the month and rest assured soon Blue Patch will be working like greased lightening.
After that comes Hamid (Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design, City University, London). He’ll be observing hand picked ‘technophobes’ navigating the website. Hamid’s results will help us polish the user experience. For those of you who found cropping photos a pain we’re introducing a ‘grab’ tool so photos can be easily positioned in the frame. Come launch we’ll have the shiniest website in cyberspace.
On the subject of polish, your faithful Blue Patch team got lost amongst the railway arches in Peckham and were rescued by the smiling young man in the photo, from Tara Fabrications. Being insatiably curious all three of us squeezed into his office to discover upcycling in progress. We got on like a house on fire and learnt that some pretty famous chefs have commissioned ‘fish smokers’. Amazing what you find tucked away in Peckham.
Meanwhile look out for our competition for the 10 ‘best dressed’ micro sites in each browser category. Winners will pick up on extra promotion during the media launch and more….keep you posted!