Our big news: Blue Patch 2.0

Last year, in September, we celebrated the 5th anniversary of our launch.

In business years (and dog years), 5 years is significant. We’ve had some great successes and also have had to navigate some huge learning curves along the way.

Our goal has always been to be a platform where British sustainable businesses can come together, reach their customers, make use of opportunities that would not otherwise be within reach and grow together. Last year, we extended our invitation to Irish businesses.

This year, we have more exciting news!

We’re completely revamping the Blue Patch website.

We’ve been working on it in secret for the past few months, and are super excited to show it to all of you soon. It’s a cleaner, fresh look for Blue Patch, focusing on the things that we think are the most important for our members.

This is HUGE for us! 

After years of toying with whether to go e-commerce or not, we finally decided not to. There are some great e-commerce websites out there, as well as independent shops that we love and support – we aim to partner with them and help them grow too.

We’re staying a directory, and our focus still remains on exceptional sustainable businesses, to facilitate connections between customers and businesses, and to create opportunities for growth.

Our members care about their communities and are all doing their part to be kinder to the planet and to customers and we could not be more delighted to support them in this.

Stay tuned for more!